For just over 99 years, Lois Hochard Straub Kopiski did, learned, taught, raised, fed, cleaned, fixed and worked. She tended her kids, their kids, and the kids they had, leaving her prints on them all. She shared her kitchen secrets, and she’d show you how. But hers was always better, no contest. You probably have a quilt she spent hundreds of hours getting right. She’d get in on your biggest projects and keep going long after you’re spent. There’s no telling how many she mentored in pie crust, and painting and sewing and.., Sauerkraut, endless skills. More memory saved up than anyone, she could win bets. Stitched all that was misshapen, ever certain and reliable, showing an example, working hard. She abandoned a 10 cup-a-day coffee habit, and no one noticed! To generations, she was “Mom”, then Mom-Mom. This is just a small sample, born on Christmas Eve makes you try harder. December 24, 1922 – February 19, 2022.
When the time came, rather than a swift flight, she gave just a few days. Time to gather, hold her hand, tell her best stories and hugs. So Generous. She left us with her sweet, sleeping face. Goodnight Lois Mae.
A family gathering will be held in the unfolding spring. Anything in lieu of flowers, consider a donation to either The Hudson NH Senior Center or Home Health and Hospice, Merrimack NH. To leave an online message of condolence, please visit www.farwellfuneralservice.com Arrangements are in the care of the FARWELL FUNERAL SERVICE, 18 Lock Street, Nashua.