Robert E. “Bob” Clegg, Jr.

August 31, 2023
CLEGG, BOB photo for website

Robert E. Clegg, Jr, known to his friends and family as Bob, died surrounded by his family on Thursday, August 31, 2023 after a sudden battle with cancer. He was born on April 27, 1954 in Lowell, Massachusetts to Robert E. Clegg, Sr. and Barbara (Tebbetts) Clegg. Bob leaves behind his loving wife of over 49 years, Priscilla (Nash) Clegg. He leaves behind his daughter, Jessica Clegg and her husband, Justin Goulding, and their chosen daughter, Kylee Smart, whom Bob thought of as a granddaughter. He also leaves behind his son, Jeffrey Clegg and his wife Jessie (Flahive) Clegg and their daughters, Elsbeth Clegg and Lorelai DeJackome. In addition, he leaves behind one sister, four brothers, and numerous nieces and nephews.

Most people think of Bob as the politician, having served in both the NH State House and Senate from 1995-2008. He was a founding partner of Legislative Solutions, a lobbying firm out of Concord, NH in 2008. Others may know him as the lifelong “construction guy” who owned his own construction business which he started when he built the house his children grew up in. He kept a finger in the construction trade with his last project being his daughter’s house.

Bob was well known for keeping and following through on his promises. He was a true man of his word. He did everything in life with honor and integrity.

Bob was also a Justice of the Peace and performed many wedding ceremonies, some in his infamous garden, for those who couldn’t afford the high priced wedding venues. He reveled in bringing two people together on their special day.

Bob had a big heart and treated so many as family. To his children, he was known as the guy to go to when a friend had a problem. He treated every international or stray student his daughter and son brought home as one of his own. He would sneak food and books into his daughter’s classroom so, “the kids have something to eat and good things to read,” without ever once looking for recognition. Having worked in construction for most of his life, he supported young people entering the trades. Bob believed education came both in the classroom and out in the world and that we needed more people to go into the trades.

Bob helped anyone who needed it. He truly believed in giving people a hand up and a way forward. He worked with numerous groups over the years to support those who had hit hard times, organizations that support veterans, the local food pantry, helping families at Christmas, and helping foster children gain independence with learning to drive. He was especially fond of Family Promise of Southern New Hampshire, and Presentation of Mary Academy. He quietly helped so many and never truly comprehended the positive impact he had on so many people, his community, and the state of NH.

There were so many serious things he was involved in, however Bob also had a wicked sense of humor, loved to prank his friends and family, and was a big storyteller. He’d tell you a story with a deadpan face. Then his trademark smirk would be followed by his belly laugh when he’d “got you”. He had this way of making you laugh. It’s nearly impossible to describe how infectious his humor was. Some of his shenanigans made for the best stories (not all appropriate for print.)

Bob had the heart of a photographer and was often found with a camera in his hands. He loved traveling to Ireland and Scotland exploring his roots, photographing the landscapes, as well as enjoying the NH Scottish Highland Games, and taking hundreds of photos of his family. He enjoyed summer vacations with the whole family. Bob made the most of every moment with his grandchildren, especially the youngest, Elsbeth whom he felt it was his grandfatherly duty to teach to stick out her tongue, stomp her foot and point at people, talk with her hands, and call him her “Bob Bob”.

A Celebration of Life will be held on Saturday, September 9, 2023 from 1-5pm at the Sheraton of Nashua at 11 Tara Boulevard in Nashua, NH. Please join the family in celebrating the extraordinary life of Bob.

In lieu of flowers, please make donations to Family Promise of Southern New Hampshire via or PO Box 450, Nashua, NH 03061 or donate to NHSCOT at or to NHSCOT, 25 Triangle Park Drive, Suite 4, Concord, NH 03301. To leave an online message of condolence, please visit

44 Comments on Robert E. “Bob” Clegg, Jr.

Peter Hoe Burling said : Guest Report Sep 11, 2023 at 11:11 AM

This news is heartbreaking. Bob was not only a man of his word, he was an advocate for the best interests of his constituents and community. That doesn't mean we always agreed on solutions, but when we did, things got done. He was a man possessed of real empathy, and so much belief in the institutions of NH government. After I left the Senate, I always looked forward to those moments (Too few) when we might meet on the street a strike up a happy chat. I feel myself honored to have known Bob in the House and the was always interesting and most times fun.

Debra Black O'Neal said : Guest Report Sep 10, 2023 at 2:27 PM

I am very sorry to hear that Bob has, true to form, silently endured and lost, his battle with Cancer. Although we did not chat often in recent years, in fact, it has been a few years since I last conversed with him, when we did, he always made me laugh. Bob was the most generous, kind and real soul I ever had the privilege of knowing. My deepest condolences to the entire family and congregation of people that were lucky enough to be Bob's friend. The world is a sadder place from his loss.

Bob Sanders said : Guest Report Sep 09, 2023 at 8:27 PM

I could not have gone to the service even if I known about it, because I was riding for the Pedaling for Payson fundraiser, but otherwise I would have. Bob had always given generously to that ride to benefit the Concord cancer center in the past, and alas cancer took him. Bob always said he stood up for the little guy, and I believe he was sincere even though I didn't always agree with all of his positions. I always liked him and I think the feeling was mutual. I'll miss him.

Deb Admas Spratt said : Guest Report Sep 09, 2023 at 7:35 PM

I am so sorry to have just read about Bob's passing. Sending hugs, love and strength to you and your family. Very fond memories of the many hours spent with you and Bob from high school through our early twenties. I have some good pictures from those years when you are ready for them. Hold fast to the good memories...

Andy Renzullo said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 11:07 PM

Faith and I have known Bob and Priscilla Clegg at least some 30 years, maybe more. We’ve been friends a majority of that time. But let’s talk about Bob. He was like no other. He was a complex man who lived by a simple code, help those less fortunate, work harder than everybody else, keep your word and stand your ground. As I review the comments of so many on this site and other sites, the most common theme was his willingness to help others, and not expect anything in return. Bob was a big guy with an even bigger heart. Bob also had the ability to befriend anyone and make them his friend. His sense of humor, quick wit and ability to connect with people made him approachable and respected. But there is another facet to being respected. Keep your word and stand your ground. I’ve observed Bob in the political arena. He did his job honorably and diligently for those he represented. His reputation for his political acumen and his ability to make things happen was well known. Bob also had a way of convincing people to agree with him. It was Bob who convinced me to run for State Representative almost 19 years ago. It was probably one of his jokes that backfired! Since I learned of Bob’s passing the Frank Sinatra song “My Way” keeps playing in my head. Please indulge me and forgive the word changes. And now the end is near And so we face the final curtain My friends, let’s say it clear Let’s state our case of which we’re certain Bob lived a life that's full He travelled each and every highway And more, much more than this He did it his way Regrets He had a few But then again, too few to mention He did what He had to do And saw it through without exemption He planned each chartered course Each careful step along the by-way And more, much more than this Bob did it his way Yes, there were times, Bob’s sure we knew When he bit off more than he could chew But through it all when there was doubt Bob ate it up and spit it out He faced it all and He stood tall And did it his way He's loved, He’s laughed, and cried He’s had his fill, his share of losing And now, as tears subside He’d find it all so amusing To think He did all that And may We say, not in a shy way Oh no, oh no, not we Bob did it his way For what is a man, what has he got? If not himself, then he has naught To say the things he truly feels And not the words of one who kneels The record shows Bob took the blows And did it His way

Shannon and Ryder Vallone said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 10:33 PM

Uncle Bob was truly an amazing human and one I am blessed to have known! A world without his quick witted humor and life lessons will not be the same. He was not only kind to those he was close to but to anyone who needed a helping hand. His generosity knew no limits and his dedication to the people and causes that meant something to him was unmatched by anyone else I have known. I am thankful my daughter was able to meet him even though his time with us was cut short he loved her the same way he loved me and for that I am forever grateful. This world will not be the same without him here but if we all strive to live by his example of kindness and compassion for the world around us than we will leave this world a better place for those who come after us. Rest easy Uncle Bob, you are so loved and will be missed by many ❤️

Linda, Daniel and Derek Lovejoy said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 10:14 PM

My deepest sympathies to Robert’s amazing family. Robert was one of the most kind hearted, honorable and caring people I’ve known. He was someone who was always there for those he loved and those in need. His relentless devotion to the truth and honor for his family, friends and country was remarkable. His dedication to helping veterans was exceptional and to say that he left his mark of kindness and hope on many people throughout his life is an understatement. He will be severely missed by all who knew him

Michael McCarthy said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 5:02 PM

Bob was a busy person, but when you talked to him he seemed like he had all the time in the world. He should be remembered for the great things he accomplished, the bad things he stopped from happening, and the the good he did quietly that most of us will never know.

Kirsten Fedewa said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 12:18 PM

Dear Bob, It was "friends" at first sight during a hot day in Iowa, at the state fair, when you so deftly took on several young and buff 20-something year olds, to protect some rather vulnerable volunteers on our side. You probably were outnumbered and outgunned, but that didn't matter to you - and you predictably won the day. That was 2007 and we have been great friends ever since. During the years since, I had an opportunity to meet your wonderful family and of course business partners, etc. We worked together on Governor Huckabee's presidential campaign through 2008 - and even partnered on a few projects at the Convention and beyond. When I introduced you to a new client, world class singer Anthony Kearns, you of course recognized the talent and potential - and invested in ways for him to inspire so many people in your great state. Each event had its own character and invited a glimpse into your soul: your love of history, your loyalty and compassion, your subtle ways of supporting those who needed a 2nd or 3rd or 4th chance in life. You had a builder's heart, a poet's soul, and the humility of a saint. So many have said they don't make men like you anymore. Bob, I hope that's not true for humanity's sake, but I do know that you were one of a kind, and I am very grateful to have known you, and I deeply mourn your loss. May you rest in Eternal peace, in the sunshine of God's love.

JP Marzullo said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 10:14 AM

Donna and I were shocked when hearing of Bob’s passing. Bob was always willing to take a call from me when I needed help of any kind. Bob supported our homeless veterans at Liberty House and gave more to our Veterans than most. We will miss Bob and pray for his family and friends. Save me a seat near you in heaven Bob, I still have some questions about politics you can help me with. Rest In Peace my friend.

Sandy Anderson said : Guest Report Sep 08, 2023 at 8:34 AM

I worked for the Legislature for many years with Bob. He would have helped anyone in need. He worked hard for the Legislature. He was definitely “We the people , for the people🥰

Juliana Bergeron said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 9:31 PM

Life is too short and passes to quickly. We are sorry for your loss . Juliana Bergeron& Arto Leino

Kimberly Morin said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 9:30 PM

Heaven may have gained an Angel but the world lost an amazing man and will not be the same.

Med Kopczynski said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 3:20 PM

I am so sorry to hear about Bob. I wish his family all of Gods good grace. I have know Bob for 23 years and always found him true to his word and his spirit. A enormous man of talent with a wicked sense of humor. I will miss you my friend

Gary Abbott said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 1:22 PM

Bob was a true friend as we worked together on many legislative issues over 30 years. I will miss him. My thoughts and prayers go out to the family.

Dennis Lessard said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 1:01 PM

So sorry to hear of your loss he will be remembered fondly. Enjoyed our time with Hudson little league program. God bless you all

Scott P Brown and Gail Brown said : Guest Report Sep 07, 2023 at 7:15 AM

A good man and a true Patriot. Will be sorely missed.

Jackie Robidoux said : Guest Report Sep 06, 2023 at 2:22 PM

My sincere condolences to all his family and close friends. I only knew Bob for a few years, he and Pris would let me explore their property and set up trail camera s. In that short time I realized what a wonderful man he was, always doing for others and truly cared about wildlife. I will miss him, his stories and great sense of humor. Prayers for all his family . ❤️🙏

Clark T. Corson said : Guest Report Sep 06, 2023 at 7:25 AM

Bob Clegg will be my friend in perpetuity. If ever there was a person who exemplified integrity, who genuinely helped everyone whose lives he touched, and who could spring his boyish countenance on you when least expected it was Bob. The week he asked me to videotape him as a live 'dummy' for State Police dog training was the day i realized what a fulfilled and great guy he was. From his support of Veterans to his unwavering commonsense political compassion and downright honesty, my wonderful friend set a very high bar. In my eyes, Bob Clegg was the consummate humanist and we are blessed to have been a part of his shortened life. RIP, Pardner.

Marcia and Steven Forcier said : Guest Report Sep 05, 2023 at 2:02 PM

My deepest condolences to Pricilla and family. May all who love him find comfort in their memories.

Jean Malley said : Guest Report Sep 05, 2023 at 10:27 AM

My deepest condolences to Pricilla and family. May all who love him find comfort in their memories. R.I.P. Bob

Virginia Drew said : Guest Report Sep 05, 2023 at 9:52 AM

Senator Clegg (as I always referred to him as...unless offering his requested Lieutenant Governor Bob) was always so kind and never forgot to stop in to say hi to the ladies in the State House Visitor Center. Whether serving as the Senate Majority Leader, Congressional candidate or lobbyist, he treated everyone as his friend and he was a great friend. I am devastated that his life was cut short as he had many ideas for the future and was looking forward to sharing his love of history and NH with the world. Even during the pandemic, he made sure to stop by to say HI....though he couldn't come inside the building, he met up with us outside to chat about how things were going. He loved to tell me a story....that I would believe....only to tell me, he was just joking, but it would have been great if it had been true. I will miss him.

Rita Simoneau said : Guest Report Sep 05, 2023 at 9:04 AM

My deepest condolences to you and your Family Priscilla I am heartbroken for you Love and prayers Rita Simoneau

Matt McMillin said : Guest Report Sep 04, 2023 at 8:29 PM

Bob will be greatly missed by so many. He was such a caring and giving person. One who strived to better the world not only for those today, but for those of the future. I am proud to say that he truly has left his mark on the world with a butterfly effect in which engraved in our memories. You were an amazing man Bob. God Bless You!

Alejandro Urrutia said : Guest Report Sep 04, 2023 at 6:48 PM

I was deeply saddened to hear about the passing of Bob Clegg Jr. His untimely departure from this world has left a void that will be challenging to fill. He was not just a public figure but a beacon of hope and dedication in our community. Bob consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to helping people throughout their political career.

Julie Smith said : Guest Report Sep 04, 2023 at 2:41 PM

I am very saddened by this loss. I met Mr Clegg in the state house dining room last year and therefore did not know him long, but I always enjoyed our many subsequent talks in the kitchen while sitting at "Clegg's Favorite Table," often with others. He was always welcoming and talked like a class act and found something nice to say about each member of the legislature I criticized. I learned a lot of valuable industry information from him in discussing some recent bills that I had a personal interest in. He even brought a bill to my attention that I had overlooked and encouraged me to speak at its committee hearing. He became a "state house fixture" in my mind and I will miss him. RIP

Tad Dionne said : Guest Report Sep 04, 2023 at 1:42 PM

Bob was a big advocate for Law Enforcement in New Hampshire. He was also a big supporter of the Hudson Police Department and the Hudson canine program. I found Bob easy to speak with, astute, and a generous man. He will be sorely missed by our community.

Kevin Avard said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 7:46 PM

Bob, Was like a big brother to me. I will miss him greatly. I have never met a more generous and caring man in my life. He always had my back and cared greatly for the underprivileged and Veterans . He was very Frank at times and you always knew where you stood with him. Tracy and I are just going to miss him 😢 said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 7:32 PM

Kevin and I are in shock of the passing of Bob . Prayers to Priscilla and family .

Pamela Ean said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 4:54 PM

So sorry to hear of Bob's passing. I will always remember the house party I had for him, when Bob ran for Congress. I fondly remember seeing him around the State House, when I would testify for or against various bills. Rest in peace, Bob. Your soul will be in my prayers.

Judy Aron said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 1:23 PM

Bob Clegg was the kind of man we need more of in this world. Kind, generous, knowledgeable, and always ready to share some humor. He'll be missed in NH and remembered well. May his memory be a blessing always.

Don LeBrun said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 1:02 PM

Bob was a very kind and generous individual. He treated everyone with dignity and respect. He served the state of New Hampshire in many capacities. He will be sorely missed. May his memory be eternal.

Diane Cannava said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 12:45 PM

I knew of "Bob Clegg" but only had the opportunity to speak with him on a personal level a short time ago. It quickly became obvious to me that Bob was a kind man with a giving and caring heart. Beyond that encounter, I appreciated his open-mindedness and compassion as he served the citizens of the Town of Hudson. He always impressed me as a man of great knowledge, integrity and strength. He will be sorely missed by many. Warm hugs for his family.

Bob and Mimi Guessferd said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 12:40 PM

So sorry to hear of Bob’s sudden passing. The landscape of New Hampshire and Hudson will not be the same without him. May the many happy memories of times with him sustain his family and friends during this difficult time. Unfortunately, Mimi and I will not be able to attend the celebration of life as we will be out of state, but you all will be in our thoughts.

Jordan Ulery said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 12:04 PM

Bob was one of those folks to whom one is drawn. He helped me with advise, sometimes strongly issued, and support. He always was a trusted voice and had to ability to see beyond the immediate to the next step. I already miss him and his wisdom.

Laura Clegg said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 9:56 AM

Your presence was larger than life itself. Somehow we knew everything was going to be ok if “Uncle Bob” was involved, often putting people at ease with your quick whit & humor. An honest man always true to his word who put others before himself unconditionally. Most importantly, his love for children resonated, making them feel special in some of the worst circumstances. His eyes twinkled when speaking of his grandchildren, it was a site to see. You were a true counselor to your brother who respected you so much; you meant so much to him…all of us. You’ll remain in our minds & hearts forever. Deepest condolences to Prissy, Jessica, Jeffrey & family.

Phyllis Woods said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 8:08 AM

I first met Bob when we served together in the NH House and soon learned that he, and our friend, Paul Mirski were powerhouses of influence, wisdom, and principled leadership. Bob used his position in the House and Senate to do good, truly a public servant who never sought recognition. I knew him as a strong prolife advocate and personal supporter. He was always available to talk and advise and he never pulled punches when he saw wrongdoing and spoke plainly his views on any lack of integrity in party politics. I considered him a dear friend and will miss him. My deepest sympathies go out to Priscilla and his family.

Mariellen MacKay said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 7:57 AM

I have known Bob for many years. He has always been gracious, funny, irreverent, honest, a teacher about the real world, and of course a true sarcastic wit. I adored him! He called Sharon and I his sisters from another mother and we thought of him as our brother from another mother. He was one of the most interesting people to talk to, and I could always trust that he was telling me the truth and giving me the real deal. Politics or construction Bob never failed anyone. My heart breaks for his family and at the loss of this incredible man. His life personified honor and dignity, kindness and generosity, and truth...always truth and fairness. Sleep in eternal peace my friend, my brother from another will truly be missed. I'm so glad I have so many pictures of that garden of is truly breathtaking. God Speed! Rest in eternal peace. My thoughts and prayers go out to Priscilla and the entire family.

Gary Labrie said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 7:43 AM

He will surely be missedI worked for him for many years he was awesome to work for and he was a clown at times but he rest in peace

Susan Olsen said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 6:57 AM

Rightly feared by lesser men, Bob was an unvanquished warrior in the cause of justice. Humble, patient, generous beyond words, loyal beyond comprehension. Over the course of two decades, just having his friendship made me a better person. I shall miss him terribly. Godspeed, dear man.

Robert Clegg Stewart said : Guest Report Sep 03, 2023 at 12:38 AM

Uncle Bob was a mentor to me with knowledge I could not understand from anyone else. Explaining his views as a politician to helping me feel excepted in this world. I will miss just having our intellectual conversation. I am proud to be his nephew and I hope everyone has had a great conversation with him. He was definitely a great person to know and cherish .

Alyssa Barlow said : Guest Report Sep 02, 2023 at 10:23 PM

I’m in shock and so sad that Uncle Bobby passed. Even though it’s been a few years since I have seen him, he was always very special to me. His kindness and unconditional love is such a big memory for me when I was younger. I remember so many jokes, and laughs, and his dry sense of humor. I remember running around the house with Jess and all the joys that surrounded him and his family. I’m going to miss seeing your Facebook posts and your beautiful photos of your garden and your sunsets. I hope you knew how much you were loved. May we meet again. Alyssa

Bud Clegg said : Guest Report Sep 02, 2023 at 10:05 PM

Bob was a man of integrity and love, proven time & time again by the endless giving of himself in so many ways. He was a force who remained in the background, never looking for recognition, seeing to it to make the lives of others better. You’ve been a good brother; I will miss you my friend, my confidant. You'll remain in my heart forever. Until we meet again, I love you. Bud 

Kenneth Renoux said : Guest Report Sep 02, 2023 at 7:19 PM

I had many dealings with Bob when I was the Fire Marshal in Nashua ...I had complete trust in him as we was honest and truthful....he was only one of a handful that I trusted completely....MayGod Bless and keep him ...

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